Join us and become a part of international organizing as we create hope at a time when intolerance, hate, racial divide and isolationism have become too much a part of our national identity. Help us build bridges—not walls with our neighbors.
Here’s how you can get involved now:
Sign up below for our mailing list. You’ll receive occasional informational or urgent action emails.
Visit and “like” our Facebook page to keep informed of current news from El Salvador and opportunities with MASCP and the wider Central American community in Madison.
Buy embroidered goods from the women of Arcatao. Available here in fall 2022.
Plan to go on a delegation to Arcatao. These will start up again after the threat of COVID 19 is past.
Go to the USESSC webpage to get involved in our national work in the areas of Migration, Historical Memory and Sustainability.
Donate to MASCP. 93% of your donation goes to support projects in El Salvador.
Volunteer to:
Help set up and sell embroidery from Arcatao at annual winter fairs.
Help transport and set up Stations of the Struggle at area churches.
Provide occasional translation of materials into Spanish.
Transport handicraft items from El Salvador.
Help plan/execute annual Monsignor Oscar Romero remembrance in March.
Write thank yous for donations.